Primary colors are red, yellow and blue. They are the basic colors that can not be mixed from others. Magenta is bluish red and cyan witch is a greenish blue. So magenta, yellow and cyan are the primary colors and from these you can mix all the other colors. In practice it is not so easy, because it is almost impossible to find pure primary colors.
Subtractive color mixing does mean to take something away. But when we add one color to another, we are in effect reducing or subtracting the amount of light it reflects. The more pigments you mix, the darker it gets. You subtract light , if you like. In theory, if you mix the primary colors , you get back.
Pigment and color often mean the same. Generally we use the word pigment whenn we are talking about paints or dyes, or about skin color, for that matter. All these are examples of reflected light. Color can also come directly from a light source. Then it behaves quite differently when it comes to mixing.
Additiv mixing is when you mix colors from a light sourse, the colors get lighter the more you mix them. If you mix primary colors you get white.
Black and white is notreally colors at all. But they are essential for deciding the shade of other colors.
Shade is not the same as tone. The tone of a color depends on which primaries it is mixed from on where it is in the color wheel. For example can we say that magenta is red which a bluish tone to it. Shade has to do with lightness and darkness.
If you add white or black to a color, it is the shade you are changing, not the tone.
